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KNPP News and events

Bloggers, journalists of Almaty region got acquainted with the work of the research reactor VVR-K of the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty


The competition was attended by media representatives and bloggers from the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Almaty, Zhetysu, Mangistau regions, etc.

The competition commission included well-known personalities: Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zheksenbai B. N., Vice-president of the public association "Club of Editors-in-Chief", international journalist Dogan Y., Chairman of the Board of the state news agency "Qazcontent" Zhusup B. B., etc.

🏆 Winners of the competition commission: 1️⃣ in the nomination "Best TV program" journalists of the program "new stage" of the republican TV channel "Channel Seven" Meyrzhan Alibekuly and Aibek Kobdabai; 2️⃣ in the nomination "The best report on the TV channel" journalist of the republican TV channel "Khabar 24" Aigul Amantayeva; 3️⃣ in the nomination " The best material in the periodical media " journalist of the republican newspaper " Kazakhstanskaya Pravda " Marina Demchenko; 4️⃣ in the nomination "The best material in the Internet media "NEGE.kz journalist of the information portal" Dinara Mynzhasarovna; 5️⃣ in the nomination " Best radio program " - journalist of Radio Shalkar Moldir Zhanbayeva; 6️⃣ in the nomination "The best post in a social network" blogger Shakhanov Kuanysh.

The winners were awarded diplomas and certificates from Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants LLP and the public association "Club of Editors-in-Chief". All participants of the contest were awarded with a "Letter of Thanks".

Congratulations to the winners! 💐